
Thought i might pop something up here!  seeing its been so long!   but good news on the horizon that there might be more updating on the adgenda!
I’m working…  at work – at lunch even!  I’m having considerable trouble at the moment coming up with what the precedents are for taped recorded conversations!  i know you can record a conversation your a party to, and you can’t record one you arn’t a party to (where no consent) but for the life of me, i just can’t find the precedents for the position!  anyone have any ideas they want to share?!?!
Life is pretty good at the moment,  good chance of a holiday coming up – back to the states!  never can complain about that.  aroudn 3-4 weeks over the mid year uni break.  speaking of uni,  doing planning law, native title law and portfolio analysis.   mid-semesters and orals are over, all thats left now is the finals and an assignment.  in mid-sems i can happily report a 32/33 (% of whole course) result for Planning law!  yep yep, i’m happy! 🙂  a 7 coming up for that one i think.  A 7 in Native Title wouldn’t hurt either by the by!   next semester should just be one subject – trust accounting, so that will be a pretty slow semester all said and done.  plenty of time to get more work and thus more cash! 🙂  i’ll no doubt go into full time employement and earn less then what i get as a casual working 38 hours a week!  one of those odd inconsistencies!  actually, i just did the math, and i’ll be earning more! 🙂  woohoo.
Can’t say i have a great deal more to report at this very moment.  just thought i’d say hello!  i’m not dead!  i might try and get into popping a message up every now and then in my lunch breaks!!
have fun


Mark has no life but law

Image by septuagesima via Flickr

So as it turns out, I’m pretty easy to beat when it comes to scrabble name scores….  such a shame really,  I’ve spent my life seeking validation and here I was thinking that I had finally found in in the fact that I was a high scoring name, and well, the bottom just fell out of that one didn’t it!   ….not that one would ever really imagine that 17 was a big score..  then again, I guess I’ve never played the game before so I wouldn’t know all truth be told!  it took a man-of-the-world guess that it was pretty average though!

Megan for the record gets a WWF body-blow style 40 points for her name…  some really good tactics clearly were played out there by the people who had the naming duties!   just a killer combination!

So… news from last updates… today has been going FOREVER!  I mean, I’ve been at uni for the best part of around 12 hours now!   7:49am I got out of the car this morning and headed for the coffee shop… its now… 2.18am Mountain time… which would make it 8.18pm local…  its been a long day!   plenty of work to be done though,  gutta keep the old brain ticking over haven’t you!  Making the day ore interesting was what was around 29 phone calls from some less then technically gifted computer users… While was looking up new jobs on the UQ law site Megan reminded me that the endless stream of calls would continue regardless,  so I gave up and decided to have a scotch :)…..  yeah I know.. I wish eh..  I’m up for one now though if anyone’s interested!

Today was Company law and Civil Procedure.  Company law is really allot of trivial stuff at the moment.  basic company formation laws that really if you have half a brain (I’m starting to think this isn’t as common as you’d think it would be!) are things you already know, you just now add to that knowledge a section number from the corporations act and ta da.   The biggest challenge that course has shown me so far is to stay awake,  although I’m sure come time to actually look at the tutorial questions and assignment details all of a sudden his stuff int he lecture was horridly easy because it was only 5% of what we are expect to know, and then I’ll be where I usually am with these courses!

Civil was talking about cross vesting of jurisdiction and where the state and federal courts actually get their jurisdiction from…  not as boring because I can follow this guy and he actually talks pretty logically, as in… point after point without jumping around everywhere!   it does wonders I tell you!

Tutorials in both have been completed… and I think that just about wraps up the day!

Oscars were out… good job King Kong in getting some awards.  Its a shame Batman begins didn’t get an award – it did deserve one for what it was nominated for.  I like that film in general.  something about it just grabbed me and has always managed to hold me.

more thoughts on what to do after this course… its a tough one to think about…

the more obvious choices seem to be:


2006 & 2007 ==> finish off the course

2007 ==> Masters of Law in Melbourne

2008 for first half ==> legal profession course in Melbourne to get qualified

end of 2008 ==>  practice in Melbourne to get some experience

2009 +  head over to London and live for a couple of years doing a Masters in commerce and getting PY qualification


2006 & 2007 ==> Finish course

2008 ==> London,  masters of commerce,  travel and work

20xx ==> back in Melbourne to do masters of law, get qualified and then practice.

Both seem workable… the thing with going to London earlier rather then later is that I’ll be getting back on the wagon to study again in Melbourne which may be interesting.  that and my law degree is a few years old and unused and I have to do a masters and get legal qualification.  Plus I wont be able to practice law in London…

Plus for that is that I get to go and live in Europe!!!  which is the negative for the other plan – is I can’t do that for another couple of years…   I don’t know.. I guess Rome wasn’t built in a day was it!  last time I heard it was around half-a-day.. and here I am still unsure about which route to take!

Both have pros and Cons…  one perhaps is more logical to do (being the former) but has the disadvantage of having to hold out of travel again for an extra 18 months…  But as a plus I’ll be qualified for law then…

tough one I know.. I’ll have to keep thinking on that one I think!  decisions decisions…

Oh, and if I go straight away I’ll have to ditch me car :(…  no biggy I guess, didn’t want it in the first place!  funny how defensive we can get when something is forced upon us!

Birthday is in a week or so.. I think a week tomorrow I really don’t know.  I have no idea what is happening for it.  as far as I know the family is a little to pre-occupied at the moment to have given it thought,  but I know Megan has been…  although she is tough to get info out of…  if there are any secrets that I should know, someone feel free to let me know!  hamata, secrets about getting secrets.. how very cold war.

I have a Birthday Card already though!  came as a real pleasant surprise!   I was excited!  thank you to Pill and Pamp for that one!  love the photo of Colorado by the way!  and the stamps!  Curious George?!?!  don’t know him but he looks cool!  Stamps are always so funny to see from other places… so logical for them, little strange for others.

Oh oh oh – the Jello Salad!   well, Megan and I tried the jello salad idea the other month.. we got out pineapple pieces, mandarin pieces, cream, cheese, marshmallow,  we got the ingredients right, BUT…..  we ended up with soup…. jello soup… a very sweet and yummy soup, but somewhat missing the texture I’ve grown to love in my two trips to ‘God’s Country’!  (yep, Capital G and all!).   I really don’t know where it all went wrong.. I think it could have been Means including of the pineapple juice…  we really weren’t sure of it, and we remember from the trip to the cafe and the open air theatre where the secrets were revealed that there was something special about the juice… it got mentioned… we are now thinking that it was mentioned int he context of “drain the juice from the pineapple”  but we really thought it was more.   SO, Megan left the juice in the mix…   so…   yeah… soup… jello soup… OH,  and I have no idea what meg was up to with the portions, but we had enough for the entire Australian Royal Navy I think…  there was HUGE amounts of soup… really disappointing that it didn’t work…  we are going to try it again someday soon and see how we go with perfecting it.     It was the Green rendition by the way….   Green soup.. Sweet green fruity soup…  with little chunks of cottage cheese in it!  HAMATA, it sounds like it was terrible, but the taste was all there.  if you numbed your mouth and closed your eyes you’d swear it was perfect.. there were just issues with the visuals and the texture…

In other news.. Means tutorial is still going…  and I’m starting to run low on topics to randomly discuss… its been a long one, and I’ve got to go and fix this supposed catastrophic computer issue tonight, which will add on another couple of hours, and then I should be good for bed…  which posts it at around hmmmm….  1-2am…  then I’m up again at 8 to get to uni for uni tomorrow… administrative Law…  if anyone in this world knows that the hell Ultra Vires means,  please let my lecture know!

have fun
