look i’m woody, howdy howdy howdy

Oi oi oi J  how is everyone?!  Cruising along well!  I gotta admit, this is the first time I’ve been around for summer since…  2003,  so I have to admit I’m getting knocked about by the heat a lot!  I’m leaving the air con on in my room a fair bit…  the mother of a machine that runs the rest of the house is running fine, only the zone computer which puts it into the right or wrong room has died… so it has defaulted all the motors to ‘off’…  haha,  so while the air con works well, its only coming out of the only non zoned vent which is there so no pressure overloads can happen.. its over the stairs … not exactly very helpful…   so everyone is suffering waiting for Joel to come and install a new zone controller,  myself on the other hand,  well I have the separate split which used to be upstairs…  so I’m good here J  penny stays with me as well!  She isn’t coping with the heat very well.  She was 1 when I was in grade 5 when we got her…  so there is 9 years to grade 12,  and this is my 6 year of uni..  so poor pen is around 15!!!   And well I quick look on the web just showed me that the average life is 9-15…  so that does sound good for the poor girl.   Not very nice!  I realise minus fish I’ve never lost a pet!  So loosing poor penny would be new experience.  Not exactly one I’m feeling a need to have!


One week to get Megan is the big news of the moment!  Isn’t that FUN!  EXCITING! J  I’m excited!   So I now have the cruise and the hands free kit on the car, its pretty much ready to go!  Waiting for me to be able to fill her up and make a run on it!  Must say I certainly am ready to start going…   just 4 days of work to go.  Wednesday I’ll be at a conference for part for the day,  with a legless man… will be interesting,  otherwise I’m going to take Friday off, so I can clean up the car, pack,  clean my room etc etc.  sleep and be rested before the drive.

Work as been going pretty well.  Its been busy, but they have given me plenty of different work to do,  so that I can experience a good few different types of work,  from regular letters, to quantum, to summarising files,  and as a big challenge for the long term I’ve been given a defense to write.  Its not in a hurry, and most likely wont be used, but I can do it a couple of times,  hand it up, get it ripped to shreds,  learn a few things,  then start over again!  Learning experience is what its all about,  try to suck as much info out of them as I can.


The xmas lunch was held late – as in on Thursday,  went to a lovely restaurant on Melbourne street just by the convention centre.   It was good to see the crew out of the work environment,  see them being a little relaxed,  they were all questioning me most of the time mainly because I’m the new one,  and they have all heard each others life stories a million times over,  so me,  they could find out some new information!  Haha,  so I was given people tax advice, and filling them in on the trip to Sydney etc etc J   it was fun.  And the food was gorgeous.    So hopefully that has helped with getting more accepted into the group, which will be good.  On Monday I’ll be handing up by resume again, this time for graduate positions..  I hope to hell I get one,  but I hear that freehills gets more M&A work then anywhere else in the world,  so I thought perhaps that putting an application in there wouldn’t be bad either.  But granted blakes is in 3rd place and catching up quickly…  blakes I’d be happy to start out. 


Anyways,  sleep I might look at now,  about time …  I’ll have to get some work done tomorrow, and clean the cars,  and then perhaps I’ll … I don’t know!!!  Learn to enjoy taking it slow on the weekends when you work on the week!

 All I know is 7 days to get megan! J  WOOHOO J

quick update

A exposure blended photo of the Sydney Opera H...

Image via Wikipedia

Well not much really happening these days.   Exam season at the moment, so all I’m really doing is sitting at home and studying.

Only interesting thing that has happened is we have purchased a new family car (such as it is) being an s40 T5 AWD.  Metallic silver with a few options, nothing outlandish.   Were meant to pick it up today but that never ended up happening because of complications with the protection pack that was being fitted (paint and interior protection package and legal black tint.  So now we are meant to be getting it tomorrow.  Lets not all hold our breath though!


So the Melbourne trip for xmas might be cancelled at the current rate.  We seem to be a little busy come xmas time, and dad is having issues with paying for airline tickets to get us down there, and there is decent as to everyone hoping in a car and making a hellish 1500km – me being one person who is defiantly not doing it.   Should be lucky one would say getting the car I guess!  I don’t mind buying a ticket personally and flying but I see nothing to be gained from spending 20 arduous and painful hours stuck in a car with one of my sisters.  I’d rather be removing my eyeballs with a desert spoon to be frank!  Considering we have 5 nights in a hotel with only 2 rooms, I’m going to be stuck on a bloody pull out in the lounge.  That means that the girls will want to be up late watching TV or coming in late (as will I no doubt) however the comes undone when you consider that dad will be up at his usual hour of like 5.30am,  and his ability to make noise and wander around and want others around him to be up is second to none.  Thus I’m going to have 5 nights of ‘holiday’ getting around 5 hours of sleep a night.  Hence why I’m less then enthusiastic about having to spent painful hours in the car with them.  I can spend that time having a holiday from them by staying at home a couple of days longer and being home a couple of days before them!  That’s about the only way I can see that working!

But it doesn’t seem like compromise is going to happen so no doubt it will just be cancelled.


So study,  its going.  Exams spread over a week coming up starting next Wednesday, then I have a clerkship for 1 month after that.  Pretty much takes me right up to xmas.  My xmas present was the 2 suits that I got for my job.  More then enough I’d say!!
After that I have 1 month wait for megan!  Megan,  1 month!!  That is of course unless something can be arranged so that we can cut that down by a little!    If it can’t be cut down I’ll have all of my brochures and travel guides here and I’ll be planning a trip from Sydney home.  Two things I’ll be bringing will be the ipod (which connects into the sound system of the new car) and sat nav (lets hope DJ will let me borrow his for the week!) and we can cruise back up the eastern sea board to get to back to home!  No set time frame so I’m thinking 5 days or so. 

In that time I’ll be at Sunline I think most days trying to catch up on some work which no doubt will have gotten behind on between now and the end of the clerkship.


Not much else really,  killing time for feb 5 really… J